Combat robots are not toys.
(If you do want a battle robot toy, we have those too!)
These machines, whether bought as a kit or home-built, are inherently dangerous. Inadequate safety precautions can result in serious injury.
What Can Happen?
How to Prevent Accidents
Locking Your Weapon
Building Your Test Box
What can happen?
Looking at these robots, they're small right? Not that dangerous? Think again.
Team 'Splode Combat Robotics has kindly let us re-upload this video of their first ever robot being tested inside an arena, to illustrate why you should never spin up a combat robot outside of a test box.
Everything was done right here. The robot was built using common construction methods, same as any other.
It was loaded into the arena, powered on, weapon lock removed, arena doors closed. Throttle up for the first real spin-up test - everything looks fine. Impressive, exciting! Then it explodes.
No warning, no shaking or rattling or bad noises. Within 1/10th of a second, the robot breaks into a dozen pieces flying in every direction.
In conclusion: Build or borrow a test box. Do not spin up outside of one.
How to Prevent Accidents
Seth Schaffer from Team Just 'Cuz Robotics made this great video showing general safety tips for all areas of building and competing.
Locking Your Weapon
Your robot is required to have a safety locking device that prevents weapon movement upon activation. We sell a safety clamp that can lock 1lb and 3lb spinning weapons.
- Ensure your weapon lock hits the robot body to keep the blade from spinning. Test it by trying to rotate the weapon by hand. If you are able dislodge the clamp or rotate the weapon, find a better place to clamp.
- Weapon locks are the last thing removed when powering up the robot, after the transmitter and robot have been turned on. This ensures that IF a transmitter stick is in a dangerous state, the weapon will not be able to injure anyone. Only remove the weapon lock once the robot is inside the arena or test box, and receiving proper transmitter signal.
- When the match is done, clamp the weapon lock back into place. You need to be able to do this without having to touch near the weapon with your hand. Then you may power down the robot.
Building Your Test Box
With all this talk of safety enclosures and only turning on robot weapons inside a test box; how do you build a test box?
We have put together a step-by-step guide to make it as easy as possible. This test box is an economical and effective solution for testing your robots safely.
Download the guide:
FingerTech Robotics Test Box Instructions
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