Hello from FingerTech Robotics!
Whether you are a rookie or a Master roboteer, FingerTech is here to help you build a reliable robot to keep you at the top of the class.
The idea for FingerTech Robotics was born in 1998 when founder Kurtis Wanner noticed there were no straightforward options for combat robotics. Builders like him were scrounging parts from scrap bins and repurposing items from other hobbies. Since 2003 we have been designing and manufacturing innovative and useful products for both competitive and hobby robotics builders. We exist to help people learn about robots and support them in realizing their designs.
Our Customers & Products
We specialize in combat robotics but you will find our products used in other robotics spheres, plus electronics projects and art displays! Our customers include amateurs, hobbyists, students, teachers, and professionals with interests in do-it-yourself, electronics, mechanics and robotics in general. Our products allow even beginners to construct their own robots from scratch and be competitive in school tournaments and professional events. Regular hobbyists will find that our products simplify their projects by providing high quality parts that are still simple to implement.
Social & Community
FingerTech proudly sponsors robot-building workshops and international competitions in an effort to expand the field of robotics and present it to the world as a mainstream hobby. We help schools and groups establish robotics clubs and events to promote STEM and foster creativity, and are a supporter of SPARC - the Standardized Procedures for the Advancement of Robotic Combat. We offer sponsorship opportunities for robot-building workshops and international competitions in an effort to grow the field of robotics and promote them to the public.
Our Team
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; FingerTech Robotics is a small but mighty core team of engineers constantly working on new designs and always happy to discuss and help with your ideas. We are very proud to see hobby robotics grow from limited basement tinkering to huge commercially sponsored events. The Future is Awesome and we are excited to be a part of it!
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